Blog Post #6

 I would like to discuss Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations Theory in relation to Netflix. Netflix caught on and spread because people were tired of having to return their videos to the rental store and they would much rather cherish their favorite movies to their heart's content. This is where Netflix comes in, Netflix allows users to stream their favorite movies and TV shows as long as they want to. So many people became early adopters because of the late fees from video rental companies such as Blockbuster. Some people did not adopt it because Netflix requires an internet connection and they preferred to have a DVD that they could watch over and over again. If the internet was out, they could still watch their favorite movies. 

According to Rogers' Five Characteristics of Innovation, Compatibility, Trialability, Relative Advantage, Observability, and Simplicity, Netflix met all of these characteristics. It fit with existing values and patterns of behavior for entertainment in the home. Netflix gives you the opportunity to view the trailer of a movie to preview it before you rent or purchase. The Relative Advantage was that the cost was less than the rental from a store and possible late fees. This was an observable benefit because it saved money. It was very simple to adapt to Netflix. According to a review of Diffusion of Innovations by Greg Orr, "People will adopt an innovation if they believe that it will, all things considered, enhance their utility" (Orr, 2003). 

The only downsides that Netflix has is that it does not work well when there is bad internet connection and often buffers. Their platform is not always family friendly as evidenced by controversial films and topics. Netflix also led the way for other streaming platforms such as HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Tubi, Disney Plus, and so many others, that the market is saturated with streaming services.

Works Cited

  • Orr, Greg. “Diffusion of Innovations.” Academia.Edu,, 18 Mar. 2003,


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