Blog Post #4

 As someone who lives in the information age, I can relate to these issues very well. Today the government has been cracking down on various political opponents of the Biden Administration, weaponizing the department of justice against people such as Mark Houck a pro-life activist from Pennsylvania and there have also been numerous stories of companies such as Google and Facebook storing the data of other people. However, it’s not just the government, corporations, and police that invade other people’s privacy, Bad actors and activists have been invading the privacy of others in their own right. In recent times, groups such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other SJW movements have been going after people on social media and especially on Twitter. If someone posts something controversial or something that does not align with their political views, they will attempt to ruin their lives on social media or try to cancel them as well as make several attempts to harass them. In terms of bad actors, Darieth Chisolm did a TED Talk describing the dangers of Revenge Porn. In the TED Talk, Chisholm describes how her ex-boyfriend stalked her and attempted to ruin her life as well as her privacy. Fortunately, Jamaica has passed a law known as the Malicious Communications Act where they penalize people who post revenge porn. As a result, the ex-boyfriend was brought to justice.

As mentioned earlier by Darieth Chisholm, Jamaica has passed the Malicious Communications Act which criminalizes those who participate in revenge porn. I believe our government should stop focusing on their own political agendas and do something about this issue. If the government passes a law against this issue, they should take a page from the Jamaican Government and put more of these stalkers behind bars. In another TED Talk by Christopher Soghoian, he talks about how foreign intelligence agencies such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also invade the privacy of others as well through apps such as TikTok.

What we can do is we can download useful tools such as VPNhub, SurfShark VPN, and DuckDuckGo which are known for protecting the privacy of internet users everywhere from prying eyes. As Christopher Soghoian said in his Ted Talk, tech companies have installed encryption devices to protect privacy. However, they have a back door to them where hackers can get into them.  



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