Blog Post #3

 Out of all the eight values of Freedom of Expression, the seventh value which is Promoting Innovation, resonates with me the most. I can heavily relate to this because as someone who wants to run a video game company, I must utilize innovation in various departments of game design whether it’s console development or brainstorming ideas for games. This relates to both freedom of assembly and freedom of press because it allows you to advertise your inventions and products as well as the freedom to assemble your own company. The iPhone invented by Apple is an innovative idea because of its touch screens and ease of use as well as its vast capabilities such as games, social media, and AI generated content.  

The most important one to me is the third value which is Stable Change. Stable Change is where citizens speak their minds and vent without being canceled or criminalized by the government or others. I feel that this is most important to me because I often tend to speak my mind and get triggered whenever things don’t go well or when someone posts something on the news or social media that offends me such as Internet Drama, someone getting exposed, or someone making arguments that laws must be passed in order to ban something such as Gun Control or banning of symbols or media. The article linked below from MSNBC talks about a controversial game console. In the argument the news reporters talked about the content in the game which heavily relates to the conversations about race issues and sexual material that the media often has been observed to weaponize as well as the debates about the content in video games. Despite the console being a knock off of a Nintendo console as well as a bootleg, I am a game collector and I still do not value the argument either way.

The one that feels most personal to me is the eighth value Protecting Dissent. Dissent is saying what you want to say about the government be it the Trump Administration, The Biden Administration, or otherwise. This is because of the differences of opinions of Political Parties as well as the polarization taking place today. For example, despite Trump Supporters being a vast majority of the country, their views have often been treated as a minority view, as countless cases of conservatives being canceled, censored on social media, demonetized on YouTube, or otherwise have been played out again and again. In other words they have been targeted by both corporations and various Political Administrations. Despite this, because of dissent, you have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government. The links below show various political cartoons criticizing President Joe Biden as well as Former President Trump. The political cartoons in the links below are a testament to the freedom of speech and dissent that we can express freely.

The one I see in action the most today is the fourth value which is Individual Self-Fulfillment. This is where individuals can be anything that they want to be and follow their dreams to create their own. For example, Jim Goodnight the founder of SAS Software, made his own identity by creating a management style that defies the corporate greed that plagued Corporate America for a long time. He treats his workers with the utmost respect and the link below shows this.


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