Blog Post #1

 Forbes Breaking News

Forbes Breaking News is a media outlet founded by B.C. Forbes and was also part of a business magazine called Forbes Magazine. I like this channel because it doesn’t involve much political bias and covers what goes on in both parties. I mostly follow the Republican Party meetings and gatherings such as House Republicans and the Freedom Caucus. I recommend this channel because it covers political meetings and doesn’t lean to one side too much. 

Fox News.

FOX News is as its name suggests, a mainstream media news outlet that is a subsidiary of 20th Century Fox. I like this channel because it is in my opinion one of the most unbiased news outlets in the mainstream media by far. Even though I’m a Republican, I don’t watch the news much because almost all the outlets have both a very bad habit as well as a reputation of fear mongering no matter what side on the political spectrum they lean on, making the public go crazy in the process all for ratings and profit. However, FOX News actually provides more truth over political bias. I recommend this channel because I believe that if you are a conservative, then this outlet is for you. 


Newsmax is an independent news network. It is another right-leaning network that has a reputation for being one of the fastest growing news outlets on both the internet and cable tv as well as satellite tv and possibly surpasses FOX News in viewership. I like this channel because it exposes what really goes on in the country and tells it like it is. I recommend this channel because it is innovative, it’s far less fear mongering than its mainstream counterparts.

Freedom Project Media.

Freedom Project Media is an independent news network and yet another conservative news outlet. I like this channel because unlike all the other networks listed which are actual companies, Freedom Project Media on the other hand is an actual YouTube Channel. Also I mostly watch the news on YouTube instead of going on the actual news sites themselves. I recommend this channel because as with all innovative upstarts and independent companies, they take a far different approach to how they do things which in this case is reporting news and they also tell it like it is. 

One America News Network.

One America News Network is yet another right-leaning news network. 

I like this channel because just like Newsmax, it is a fast growing news outlet. Unlike Newsmax however, it tilts far more to the right than Newsmax does but otherwise it is very truthful. I recommend this channel because If you are a conservative who is sick and tired of the psychological chaos and crazy things that are happening in this country as well as the world, then this network is for you.


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